Dynamic DNS - The most convenient method to identify your IoT devices. More Details.

>>> from thedns import update
>>> update()
{'_truncated_.public.thedns.cn': '', '_truncated_.private.thedns.cn': ''}

Private CA - Generate dedicated SSL certs for by your own Private CA. More Details.

>>> from theca import create_cert
>>> create_cert()
  'key': '/root/.devnull/certs/key.pem',
  'crt': '/root/.devnull/certs/crt.pem',
  'full_chain': '/root/.devnull/certs/fullchain.pem',
  'fqdn': ['_truncated_.private.thedns.cn','_truncated_.public.thedns.cn'],
  'ca_url': 'https://devnull.cn/getca/fe9cbe4a1bc3'

Meshing Network - Connecting your boundaries in seconds. More Details.

>>> import meshing
>>> meshing.checkin()
>>> meshing.connect()
>>> meshing.routes()

Account Activation - Get your own account for further use.

python3 -c "$(wget -q -O- https://files.devnull.cn/register | base64 -d)"